Tom Clancy's Op-Center
Clancy Tom and Pieczenik Steve
Vydavateľstvo: Mladá fronta, 1990
Cena tovaru
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Dátum zaradenia: 08.06.2023 Doba doručenia
Zásielka: do 10 dní Hodnotenie tovaru
Tom Clancy's Op-Center (Popis)
brožovaná väzba matná, 500 strán, listy knihy sú zažltnuté, dobrý stav, anglický jazyk, menší formát, 11 x 17,7 cm
*Though disbanded after 9/11 in an effort to streamline intelligence gathering operations, the National Crisis Management Center--commonly known as the Op-Center--is re-formed after a series of devastating attacks to combat the high-tech crises of the 21st century. Silent and secret, the undercover operatives are the tops in their field, guarding the American people at home and protecting the country from abroad by diffusing crises around the world.
Tom Clancy's Op-Center is a novel series, created by Tom Clancy and Steve Pieczenik, though the first 12 books were written by Jeff Rovin between 1995 and 2005. The four books in the series reboot from 2014 are written by Dick Couch, George Galdorisi and Jeff Rovin