No Our Gets Out Alive
Hopkins Jerry - Sugerman Danny
Vydavateľstvo: Plexus, 1991
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Dátum zaradenia: 06.05.2024 Doba doručenia
Zásielka: do 10 dní Hodnotenie tovaru
No Our Gets Out Alive (Popis)
brožovaná väzab, 387 strán, listy knihy sú mierne zožltnuté, dobrý stav, anglický jazyk, menší formát, 11 x 18 cm
*in the writing, this definitive biography is the work of two men whose empathy and experience with Jim Morrison uniquely prepared them to recount this modern tragedy: Jerry Hopkins, whose famous Presley biography, Elvis, was inspired by Morrison's suggestion, and Danny Sugerman, confidant of and aide to the Doors. With an afterword by Michael McClure.