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antikvart.sk » Cudzojazyčná literatúra » Anglická » The Most Dangerous Animal of All
The Most Dangerous Animal of All

The Most Dangerous Animal of All

Stewart Gary L., Mustafa Susan

Vydavateľstvo: HarperCollins, 2014

Soon after his birthmother contacted him for the first time at the age of thirty-nine, adoptee Gary L. Stewart decided to search for his biological father. His quest would lead him to a horrifying truth and force him to reconsider everything he thought*

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 Dátum zaradenia: 31.05.2019

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The Most Dangerous Animal of All (Popis)

pevná laminovaná väzba s prebalom, 367 strán, výborný stav, anglický jazyk, väčší formát, 16 x 23,5 cm


* he knew about himself and his world.

Written with award-winning author and journalist Susan Mustafa, The Most Dangerous Animal of All tells the story of Stewart's decade-long hunt. While combing through government records and news reports and tracking down relatives and friends, Stewart turns up a host of clues—including forensic evidence—that conclusively identify his father as the Zodiac Killer, one of the most notorious and elusive serial murderers in history.

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