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antikvart.sk » Cudzojazyčná literatúra » Anglická » True Blue
True Blue

True Blue

Rice Luanne

Vydavateľstvo: A Bantam Book, 2002

The story of two sisters and the boy next door... Schoolteacher Rumer Larkin never felt the need to stray from Hubbard’s Point. Rich with legends of seafaring spirits and lost treasures, the rustic village still echoes with the memories of Rumer’s*

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Cena: 2.80 €

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Zaradenie tovaru

 Dátum zaradenia: 21.09.2023

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 Zásielka: do 10 dní

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  Nepoškodený alebo minimálne poškodený prebal listy biele alebo mierne zožltnuté

True Blue (Popis)

brožovaná väzba matná, 476 strán, listy knihy sú zažltnuté, dobrý stav, anglický jazyk, menší formát, 11 x 17,5 cm


*past--even after those she loved have left. But now, so many summers after Zeb Mayhew broke her heart, he has returned with his teenage son, and Rumer knows her quiet life will never be the same again.

Zeb has come back to hoping to reconnect with his son, with the past and all its mistakes. Suddenly facing Rumer again, Zeb discovers where he belongs. He could never forget the girl who used to climb onto his roof with him to watch the stars. But neither Zeb nor Rumer knows if it’s too late to do more than regret the path not taken--or if every path leads us back to the one true love of our life . . .

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