Coelho Paulo
Vydavateľstvo: Harper Collins Publishers, 2014
Cena tovaru
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Dátum zaradenia: 10.10.2023 Doba doručenia
Zásielka: do 10 dní Hodnotenie tovaru
Brida (Popis)
brožovaná väzba matná, 266 strán, veľmi dobrý stav, anglický jazyk, menší formát, 11 x 17,5 cm
*people of great wisdom, who begin to teach her about the world. Her teachers sense that Brida has a gift, but cannot tell what that is. Meanwhile, Brida pursues her course ever deeper into the mysteries of life, seeking to answer questions about who she is. She meets a wise man who dwells in a forest, and teaches her about overcoming her fears and trusting in the goodness of the world, and a woman who teaches her how to dance to the music of the world, and how to pray to the moon. She seeks her destiny, as she struggles to find a balance between her relationships and her desire to become a witch. This enthralling novel incorporates themes fans of Paulo will love. It is a tale of love, passion, mystery and spirituality.